Reseller Opportunity
We are appointing Resellers for eduZilla Software for various cities across India.

Background Story
Thank you for your interest in reading this page. You might have looked at our software features and demo. Our team has been building this software passionately and relentlessly for past 5 years. Intialy we built a much smaller version of what you see today and then we kept evolving though customer feedback and our imagination in building something that addresses key pain points of a Training Business in India.
Understanding the SAAS Model
We are offering it on SAAS (Software As A Service) model. Yes, it is a highly attractive business model for a software company. But we all know that the critical part of building a successful SAAS business is constantly offering better and enhanced service as well as product experience to your customers. Only that makes the customer happy and willing to renew the service year on year. It's a challenging task and we have vowed to achieve it by constantly engaging with our clients and fulfilling their expectations. SAAS business is lucrative due to its recurring revenue but tough to build.
eduZilla is Stable and Powerful
It's a stable, fully functioning and scalable software suite. We are constantly adding more interesting features that help our clients to manage their business with ease. It can be used by small business with just one center to a large business with a few thousands of branches.

Why Become a Reseller?
We are very much focused on building and enhancing the software. We have customers in many cities across India. Customers love our product. We want to now build more customer base by building Reseller partner network where the resellers get to offer one of the best software available in this segment. We see a win win relationship with our Resellers to work & grow together. We have determinded to build a long lasting successful business relationship with our Resellers and the clients.
Who Can be a eduZilla Reseller?
You can be a Business or an Individual with some background in selling IT software in any segment. You might be already selling some services to Educational Institutes or Classes such as Website Building, SMS Gateway or non-IT supplies such as educational material or stationary.
What is the amount of efforts required?
Building a SAAS business is not so easy even though the upfront cost is way less than a one time pay license model. You will need to exhibit a lot of patience and perseverance in acquiring each customer. The customer wants to know if you are a reliable and long term player. Since the customer business is going to be highly software dependent, customer expects a constant reliable support in the early stage of software adoption.
Selling a SAAS software takes a huge amount of support efforts in pre sales and post sales stages. So you must be willing to invest your time and resources in the initial stage without getting proportionate returns at early stage. As customers gets accustomed to the software there is very little product support required after that except for the new features introduced. In short it is a long term play and there is no chance of making a quick bucks in this.
If your profile matches with the above description and if you are willing to take a plunge with us, then write to us on -